Petitions 2022

Thank you for circulating petitions to help make sure Leanne is on the ballot this year! See below for instructions and click here to download our petition! Petitions must be printed two-sided, “head-to-head” (like flipping pages of a book).

Petition FAQs


1.   Who can sign and circulate nomination petitions?

While we will rely mostly on in-district circulators, the law allows registered Pennsylvania Democrats who do not live in the 161st District to circulate our petitions. Signers, of course, must live and be registered as a Democrat in the 161st district.

2. Nomination petitions may not be circulated earlier than Friday, March 18, 2022 and not later than Monday, March 28, 2022..

3. All signers must be registered Democratic voters and fill in their complete, correct name as it appears on the street list and voter registration card. Initials, in particular, should be avoided. Voters must use the address at which they are registered to vote, not mailing address or residence if different.


5. Use the full name of the MUNICIPALITY, NOT POST OFFICE.

Example 1: If you live in Wallingford, the correct municipality is Nether Providence.

DO NOT use Wallingford, Woodlyn, Media (in HD-161) etc., which are all examples of towns, NOT municipalities.

6. ALL signers must complete the FULL line on their own.  DO NOT fill in any information on the petition for the signer, or allow anyone else to do so.  Use an ink pen, BLUE OR BLACK, and not pencil.

7. Make sure that signers complete the line by filling in the date of signing, and not their ZIP code.

8. The Statement of Circulator on each petition page must be signed using the circulator’s voting address, not mailing address or residence if different. Make sure the circulator lists the county of signers’ residence, which may not be their own, in line one.

Petitions NO LONGER NEED TO BE NOTARIZED. However, DO NOT complete the “Statement of Circulator” section until you have completed that petitions page.

9. Questions?  Call Delco Dems: (610) 566-6427 or email [email protected]

You may drop off completed petitions Monday-Friday 12pm-6pm, Saturday 10am-2pm and Sunday 2pm-6pm through Sunday, March 27 at Delco Dems HQ (104 Gayley Street, Media).